The OpenWebSearch Engine Hub (OWSE-HUB)

The OpenWebSearch Engine Hub (OWSE-HUB)#

To define downstream search engines using the OWI, we will also introduce the Open Web Search Engine Hub (OWSE-HUB). Similar to the OWI, the OWSE-HUB forms a web-based information system comparable to the Docker hub, but it will contain complete search engine stacks to enable the fast and easy creation of new search verticals. The architecture of the envisioned OWSE-Hub is outlined in the figure below.


Fig. 5 General architecture of the OWSE-Hub, and how the (federated) search strategy would capture declaratively the usage of indexes retrieved through specifications in the OWSE-Hub. Users can (1-3) pull search engine stacks, (4) build their own specifications for a (composite) search engine, and (5) push specifications to share with others.#

Using the OWSE-Hub, users can declaratively define their own search configurations. Users can “pull” pre-defined specifications from the OWSE-Hub, use those to “build” their own custom search engines, and “push” the most useful ones to share these with others. This flexible setup allows for the creation of a wide variety of search engines, not only for commercial usage but also for personal and corporate search, and allowing both centralized and federated search setups.

The way in which the search specifications are to be defined, how they can be used and deployed, and the format in which they can be exchanged, has not yet concretely been decided. We will start working on this in the second year of the project, when the actual work on the OWSE-HUB is set to start.