Tutorial 98: Data Upload#
DAta upload is highly experimental and requires proper user rights.
using the owilix command line tool we are able to upload and share data.
The following tutorial gives a basic idea on how to process
Installing the owilix command line tool.
mamba create -n owilix python=3.10 pip
mamba activate owilix
pip install py4lexis --index-url https://opencode.it4i.eu/api/v4/projects/107/packages/pypi/simple
pip install owilix --index-url https://opencode.it4i.eu/api/v4/projects/92/packages/pypi/simple
Preparing a local directory:
Inserting the local directory:
owilix local insert file://$(pwd)/2023-12-3 access=project collectionName="main" move=False owner="OpenWebSearch.eu Consortium" creator="OpenWebSearch.eu Consortium" publisher="OpenWebSearch.eu Consortium"
Note that the metadata provided after the path allows to set metdata from the CLI. By using
, you are then able to avoid cli ui interaction and thus automate the workflow.owilix local ls all/access=project