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In case you find our research interesting or if you are generally refering to our initative, please cite [GVF+23] or [HDF+24]:
title={Impact and development of an Open Web Index for open web search},
author={Granitzer, Michael and Voigt, Stefan and Fathima, Noor Afshan and Golasowski, Martin and Guetl, Christian and Hecking, Tobias and Hendriksen, Gijs and Hiemstra, Djoerd and Martinovi{\v{c}}, Jan and Mitrovi{\'c}, Jelena and others},
journal={Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology},
publisher={Wiley Online Library},
title={The Open Web Index: Crawling and Indexing the Web for Public Use},
author={Hendriksen, Gijs and Dinzinger, Michael and Farzana, Sheikh Mastura and Fathima, Noor Afshan and Fr{\"o}be, Maik and Schmidt, Sebastian and Zerhoudi, Saber and Granitzer, Michael and Hagen, Matthias and Hiemstra, Djoerd and others},
booktitle={European Conference on Information Retrieval},